
Mixes Part 2

I've really appreciated all the support I have been getting recently from DJ's i've known for many years to people in unexpected places.

So here is the 3rd and 4th mix of this 4 part series so far. I have kind of unofficially titled them Meta4ric but more to come on that in the future.

Here is another live recording from my Sunday Wake and Bake, this time in a varied Trip-Hop style.

This last one is another live recording but my favourite as the blend of modern dub roots and chilled out dubstep worked so well together and showcase some of the diversity I am heading for in my mixes.

To download either of these mixes click the share button and a download link will appear.

So there we are, plenty of music to give you an idea where i'm heading with this. I quite the simplicity of this blog so will keep this as my main space for all my news on any thing music related to myself. Stay tuned x


Mixes Part 1

Ok finally on christmas day i've got round to uploading some mixes to a new host. These 4 mixes will be my musical CV. I don't think they are perfect but I think they are good enough for my current level which is constantly expanding.

So hopefully with this new host you will be able to stream my mixes from the site and have the option to download them.

First one up is a live recording from my show and the aim was to keep it atmospheric.

This next one is my highly acclaimed jazz themed mix. What ever genre i've listened to i've always loved the ones with a jazzy edge but I found it hard to describe that to people so I originally created this as a showcase but I think it actually turned out pretty good for a first try.

I just noticed, for the download link click on the share button on the player.

Part 2 coming soon x


stuff and stuff

I just removed that bio, it was horrible, don't know what I was thinking. Instead i'm going to try and embed my 3 best mixes on there as nothing says who I am better than my music.

I've been down to the Occupy the London Stock Exchange a couple of times this week and when ever I do things like that it gets my creative juices flowing so i'm working on some graphics for the site.

The domain will have to wait a while as money is tight and I want to spend as much time as possible with friends.

Now to save this blog getting too boring before its really got started, a tune for your pleasure:


Sunday Wake and Bake recording.

This is a recording from my Sunday Wake and Bake show live on Kick Radio, just under 3 hours of some of my favourite dub tracks. Enjoy and please leave me a comment:

(right click - save as)


Insert this is your life blurb here

Grrrr hate those things, like I don't have a hard enough time writing them on dating sites. I usually end up with the "I couldn't be bothered to try and impress anyone so i'll save you the bother of telling me how shit I am at this and just write this out of irony" kind of thing.

So it looks a bit messy but it'll do for now, I think I covered most of the bases that needed covering for now. The rest will come from stalking my blog. Got good feedback already, cheers kicksters :D

Just hope this mix is going to save now.....had horrible PC troubles that almost brought me to tears but I think i've got passed all that and now I can celebrate with wine, YAY!

Sunday Wake and Bake

If you are one of the lucky people who have chanced upon this pot of gold then make sure you reap its full rewards by tuning into my Sunday Wake and Bake live on Kick Radio from 2-4pm GMT. Also you can join me and the rest of the Kick Radio community in our web cam enabled chatroom. See you there!

Insert Random Title Here

Right that was quick. I'm not one of these people who thinks being in love with technology means I can over complicate every thing, I love it when it helps me to do things easier and quicker. I find too much software and sites offer too much unnecessary addons witch just add bulk and make things look cluttered. That's why earlier in the year I got rid of windows for linux and have never looked back and its also why i'm coming back to good old blogger from facebook. Its the same with blogging software, I been blogging on and off for 8 years and i've tried many of the other variables on offer and out of all of the them I favour blogger because of its simplicity and ease of use.

Well the current design is just a lazy draft. I will get round to a fully customized and sleeker browsing experience some time soon. I also need to get a new domain so won't be going live until I have that done. If your reading this before that time then probably you've stumbled upon this page or your a curious friend. How ever you have come to grace my safe haven from the madness of the web, feel free to leave me a friendly comment or just join all the other sociopaths on the net and abuse me!